Pope Francis called on the world's Catholic cardinals, many of whom live in Rome and lead Vatican offices, to pursue a "zero ...
Anyone serious about reducing abortion will focus on building a strong economy that serves the working and middle classes, ...
The “Catholics for Harris-Walz National Organizing Call,” held on Sept. 18 at 8 p.m., was designed to rally Catholic support ...
For example, after the Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry expressed support for Harris in part because of her support ...
The people of Indonesia believe in gotong royong, literally, “joint bearing of burdens,” carrying something together, ...
“When there is a mental health problem, it is not only the mind that is ill, it is all of the being, the entire sense of life ...
Attending the papal mass surprised most people in my life. I was raised Catholic but stopped attending church regularly about ...
In October, the pope will preside over a penitential celebration asking forgiveness for abuse, sins against migrants and the ...
The 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops will begin Oct. 2–27 in Rome, the second part of the Synod on ...
Pope Francis has ruffled the feathers of some religious leaders in the United States by saying that all religions provide a ...
Proposed age bans and other limits on Instagram and TikTok use could harm some kids’ mental health, advocates say.
Age, sciatica and knee problems notwithstanding, pontiff appears to have had the time of his life during wide-ranging 11-day ...