Celebrating filmmakers who use original sources and investigative techniques to tell hidden stories, here are the shortlisted ...
In this webinar, leading experts will explore how journalists can investigate and report on efforts to undermine election ...
Sarah El Deeb, an AP investigative reporter, documented 60 families from the Gaza Strip who have lost 25 members or more from ...
The international investigations team at The Washington Post is tackling the issue of transnational repression — an urgent ...
When fish are taken from our oceans faster than they can reproduce, their population numbers decline. This over-fishing upsets marine ecosystems. It’s also bad for human populations that rely on fish ...
Nigerian journalist Philip Obaji Jr. has been covering the Wagner Group activities in Africa since 2018. Throughout these years, he’s reported on coups, security contracts, and human rights abuses, ...
Despite the funding and sustainability challenges that watchdog reporting faces today, journalists across Africa are producing top-tier investigative stories. This is evident in, among others, the ...
The lakeside location, historic churches, and pretty cobbled streets of Ohrid in North Macedonia draw hundreds of thousands of tourists each year. But the city’s status as a UNESCO-protected gem has ...
Kırk yıl önce, uyuşturucu kaçakçıları ve rüşvet alan yetkililer, kargo bölümünde nakit dolu spor çantalarıyla küçük uçaklarını Karayipler’deki hava pistlerine indirirdi. Pilotlar bu uçakları, ...
Cuando le preguntamos a la destacada reportera mexicana Carmen Aristegui su consejo para los aspirantes a reporteros, su respuesta fue sencilla: “leer”. Una lista de libros que abarque diferentes ...
En una región costera de selva virgen, los paquetes de cocaína son arrojados por la borda por barcos con destino a Estados Unidos que intentan eludir la inspección. Los indígenas que habitan la zona ...
Entérate cómo los periodistas salvadoreños Juan José Martínez D’Aubuisson y Bryan Avelar usaron técnicas etnográficas para realizar una investigación en la Moskitia, región selvática entre Honduras y ...