Florida, Sep. 21 – «Amparo Carriera Montes» Maternity Hospital in the municipality of Florida is a key element of the ...
Rogelio Rivera Fernandez, Dr in Cience of Administration from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, shared with ...
Rice crops will occupy more than 40% of the total hectares planned to be planted by the farmers of the municipality of ...
The current inability to collect waste and the insufficient citizen awareness of the importance of preserving the environment ...
Florida, Sep. 18 – The application of the second dose of influenza vaccination to children from six months to one year, 11 ...
Florida, Sep. 17 – Residents of Precinct 69 in the Urban Center Popular Council in Florida, mobilized this Sunday for a ...
Florida, Sep. 19 – The production of bee honey and the recycling of aluminum scrap for export, report a growth in Florida during the current year, in spite of the marked fuel deficit that also limits ...